|  | Capsule Review
Lake Dead (2007)

Directed by George Bessudo.
Cast: Kelsey Crane, Kelsey Wedeen, Alex Quinn, Dan Woods, Jim Devoti, Malea Richardson, James C. Burns, Pat McNeely, Tera Gerard, Trevor Torseth, Christian Stokes, Edwin Craig.
2007 98 minutes
Rated: (for violence/gore, sexual content, nudity and language).
Reviewed by Dustin Putman, November 10, 2007.
"Lake Dead" isn't a good film by conventional standards, but it is also difficult to discount outright. It's too entertaining for that. When an estranged grandfather whom they never knew about dies, three adult sistersBrielle (Kelsey Crane), Kelli (Kelsey Wedeen) and Sam (Tera Gerard)learn that they have inherited his motel. Along with various friends and significant others, they travel to the property to figure out what to do with it. In turn, the group is stalked and murdered by two hulking, deformed inbreds. Their true motive will be left for the viewer to discover, but let it be known that the picture goes in directions during the third act too wacky and out-there to scarcely believe. Directed by George Bessudo and written by Daniel P. Coughlin with a mordant sense of humor, "Lake Dead" is an all-in-fun slasher flickshallow as can be, never scary, unevenly acted, but wickedly comic. With the deliciously acid-tongued Tera Gerard, as Sam, out of the picture early, Pat McNeely steals the show as the sweetly maniacal matriarch who will do whatever it takes to keep her family together. That the "lake" of the title is really a small man-made pond is either just one more sly joke to add to its arsenal, or a blatant signal of a limited budget.